Sunday, March 23
20×2 Chicago: What’s The Mission?
Speakers: Veronica Arreola * Chad the Bird * Beth Cummings * Shannon Downey * Ian Evanoff * Nora Flanagan * Elizabeth Gomez * John Joyce * Felix Jung * Dan Kelly * Rosamund Lannin * Adam Homer Lawson * Juan Martinez * Victoria Montalbano * Laz Patillo * David Stanford * Michi Trota * Chelsea Troy * Don Washington * Erin Watson * ...and host Andrew Huff
$20 Adv. / $20 Day of / 21 & over / Doors: 6:30pm / Show: 7pm
Sponsored by Field Notes
20×2 Chicago is a show in which 20 creative people from all different walks of life — writers, musicians, filmmakers, web geeks and other bon vivants — get two minutes each to answer the question of the day in whatever way they like. The results can be as varied as the emotions and reactions they evoke. This edition’s question is “What’s The Mission?”